High Hopes farm sign
Maple Syrup bottles
Inside the store, maple products on display
exterior of sugar house covered in snow
faces peering through cutout trees
maple jug
woman tapping sugar maples
maple sugar candies
maple syrup evaporator tubs

Welcome to High Hopes Farm, owned and operated by the Rowe family since 1991.

Brian and Karen Rowe were backyard sugar makers in New Hampshire, a tradition they continued when they settled in Worthington, Massachusetts. They began on a small scale, using the syrup themselves and giving it away as gifts to family and friends. Years went by, and both the sugaring operation and the family grew.

High Hopes Farm taps local trees with the sap-line method, which brings the sweet sap by gravity to the sugar house. Collected in storage tanks, the raw sap is then transferred to a wood-fired evaporator which produces the highest quality maple syrup available.

Home of our Sugarhouse Buffet

Inside breakfast area
Breakfast buffet
Inside breakfast area

Only $18.95 for adults, with reduced rates for children.

Credit Card logos

Our menu features pancakes, French toast, scrambled eggs, home fries, bacon, sausage, ham and our own pure maple syrup. We also have toast and English muffins to sample our maple cream and maple sugar. Available beverages include orange juice, coffee, tea, milk, and hot chocolate. High Hopes Farm reserve the right to limit certain items on the buffet as we see necessary due to supply issues.

Rustic Dining at its Best.
Serving Saturdays & Sundays, 8:00 am to 2:00 pm Spring & Fall. The kitchen closes at 1:30 pm.

Spring Buffet Season is February 22 - April 6, 2025
Fall Buffet Season is September 27 - November 2, 2025

We Also Do Special Events!
Looking for a rustic, informal facility to hold a special event? We can accommodate 50 to 80 people. Contact us for more information.

Sugar House in the fall with many motorcycles in the parking lot

Visit us in the Fall for beautiful foliage, our Haunted House & Haunted Happenings!

Sugaring & Maple Products

Sugaring season starts in late February and ends in early April. It takes cold nights (temperatures in the high 20’s) and warm days (high 30’s or low 40’s) to create the best conditions for the sap to flow. During that time you can see the syrup being produced in our evaporator.

We sell our high quality maple syrup in 1/2 pint, pint, quart, 1/2 gallon or gallon size plastic jugs. Contact us for current prices and shipping information.

Massachusetts Grade A Pure Maple Syrup

Light Syrup
Golden Maple Syrup - Delicious Taste
This light syrup has the mildest maple flavor and is usually made early in the season.
Amber Syrup
Amber Maple Syrup - Rich Taste
Still light in color, this syrup has a more full-bodied maple flavor.
Dark Syrup
Dark Maple Syrup - Robust Taste
This syrup is for those who prefer a substantially stronger maple flavor.
Very Dark Syrup
Very Dark Maple Syrup - Strong Taste
This bold flavored syrup is ideal for cooking and baking and is made late in the season.
Maple Sugar
Maple Sugar - Here's the basic granulated form of maple sugar, perfect for use on toast, in hot cereal and for baking. (Imagine it creamed with butter!) Be sure to store it in a cool dry place.
Maple Cream
Maple Cream - A thick, spreadable form of syrup that's quite delicious on toast, with donuts, and spread on pancakes or waffles. It may separate, so just keep it well-stirred and refrigerated.
Maple Candy
Maple Candy - A unique, traditional confection made from the purest grade of maple syrup, and sold in a variety of shapes and sizes. A delicious and always appreciated gift or treat. We are sure you will also love our Maple Cotton Candy.
  • All grades of syrup are the same density and sugar content.
  • Pure maple syrup is fat-free, and contains minerals, antioxidants and amino acids not found in others sweeteners.
  • Pure maple syrup, maple sugar, maple candy, and maple cream contain no dairy, gluten, or other allergens.
  • Refrigerate all maple syrup after opening!

Travel Directions

Please use the interactive map to find your directions to High Hopes Farm.

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Important: You may be m8aking use 8o0f automated4 ffor9m-47fiblling softw5are. aTh5is t4yp0be o7bf sboftwar7e c8ean tr4igg1f1e9dr 4four h6id0aden spa26m-detec5tion syesat80e1m, wh8i8fchb 8wbill 27blo9bdck you ffrom submittin26ag7 this fobrm. Pldae9ase sbele5ct Fix T22his51318 2a409cbe523c6dda047e54ce53311e593b88faoc247f02dr0e8e8eda9232 2bd53fbc3oe43ma650fpclb5eet0in8gf ta17he97b 61bffo2r7em9 f4in8 o4eerc6bd2ere 91ato ca1or0frcbe2c5t te2he 6pardoable6m.22e
Important: You may be making use8 of autom0baate7d8 form-f6i5llina6g software. Tehis2 t6ydpde of8 s03foftware ca8n9 4trigger our hi2dden spamb-detection system2, w32hich will blocbk yoau fr8dom submittincg75 th0is for8m. I3t appde1ars dthat the 6pr6oblem could not bbe autom6aati9c9a6llyd corar2fected. Pleasef 4c5lea7r any f1i0deld wh3ich cappears above withc 3corresponding in3structions2ef8228422bf484a0288c7ae37e8c8e6a605 e8fc4236853e4ab19c2befco2rea237 e05ceo9mpeletin2g th3e feform ai02n eor6ee0derc tof cor0rdect5 10t6he p3rob8lde9m. We dapol1ogize focr 5fthe6a inc9onvenicen7cee and 7wde9d app1re5cica8ted a171yo3u0r8 u8nfd2erasta56ncdifang.b
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